A project back from the golden days of high school that I hold with as much pride as any of my more current work. In collaboration with my close friend Mathew Schiefer and a once in a generation teacher, Daniel Kunanec, we planned, designed, and modelled an outdoor kitchen and garden we aimed to have built by students in technological design and green industries classes in an unused courtyard. We wrote the grant applications and secured funding and the rest is history, built up and improved upon every year by current students and the same great teacher.
Enjoy the videos below of rendering flythrough made on SketchUp that secured the grant funding as well some media coverage received upon completion that showcases the project and some other projects of Dan's at the school that are nothing less than impressive themselves.
Find below some process photos, plans, cost breakdowns, and models from throughout the design, application, and building process.

Lastly enjoy a few easter eggs that young Mathew and I snuck into the model... shh! Don't tell!